Tcode Used :
1.KEPM is used maintain planning Levels for different Plan version
Average Rate and Budgeted rate we maintained in custom table and from there it picks in COPA planning through custom enhancement. So average and budgeted rate is not part of config process hence not possible to include in config document.
User Exit: EXIT_SAPLKEP5_002-Customer-Specific CO-PA Planning Functions with Reference Data
*& Include ZXKKEU10
data: lth_ce0_reference like ce0ctml occurs 0 with header line.
data: lt_ce0 type table of ce0ctml,
ls_ce0 type ce0ctml,
lt_ce0_ref type table of ce0ctml,
ls_ce0_ref type ce0ctml.
data: lt_rates type table of zco_rates_new,
ls_rates type zco_rates_new.
data: lv_yr(4) type c.
data lv_pr(3) type c.
lt_ce0[] = ith_ce0_reference[].
lt_ce0_ref[] = xth_ce0[].
lth_ce0_reference[] = ith_ce0_reference[].
if i_exitnr eq 101. ""Planned Step ID
loop at xth_ce0 into ls_ce0.
read table lth_ce0_reference into ls_ce0_ref with key perio = ls_ce0-perio.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
lv_yr = ls_ce0_ref-perio+0(4). ""Year
lv_pr = ls_ce0_ref-perio+4(3). ""Period
******* Custom Table for Maintain Rates for Bedgeted rate
select single * from zco_rates_new into ls_rates where bukrs = ls_ce0-bukrs and gjahr = lv_yr and period = lv_pr.
if ls_rates-bgt_rate is not initial.
ls_ce0-vv010 = ls_ce0_ref-vv010 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv011 = ls_ce0_ref-vv011 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv012 = ls_ce0_ref-vv012 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv030 = ls_ce0_ref-vv030 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv050 = ls_ce0_ref-vv050 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv070 = ls_ce0_ref-vv070 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv100 = ls_ce0_ref-vv100 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv120 = ls_ce0_ref-vv120 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv130 = ls_ce0_ref-vv130 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv150 = ls_ce0_ref-vv150 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv170 = ls_ce0_ref-vv170 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv180 = ls_ce0_ref-vv180 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv051 = ls_ce0_ref-vv051 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv052 = ls_ce0_ref-vv052 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv031 = ls_ce0_ref-vv031 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv032 = ls_ce0_ref-vv032 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv033 = ls_ce0_ref-vv033 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv034 = ls_ce0_ref-vv034 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv035 = ls_ce0_ref-vv035 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv036 = ls_ce0_ref-vv036 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv037 = ls_ce0_ref-vv037 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv038 = ls_ce0_ref-vv038 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv039 = ls_ce0_ref-vv039 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv190 = ls_ce0_ref-vv190 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv071 = ls_ce0_ref-vv071 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv072 = ls_ce0_ref-vv072 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv073 = ls_ce0_ref-vv073 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv074 = ls_ce0_ref-vv074 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv075 = ls_ce0_ref-vv075 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv076 = ls_ce0_ref-vv076 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv077 = ls_ce0_ref-vv077 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv091 = ls_ce0_ref-vv091 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv092 = ls_ce0_ref-vv092 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv093 = ls_ce0_ref-vv093 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv101 = ls_ce0_ref-vv101 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv102 = ls_ce0_ref-vv102 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv103 = ls_ce0_ref-vv103 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv104 = ls_ce0_ref-vv104 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv105 = ls_ce0_ref-vv105 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv111 = ls_ce0_ref-vv111 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv112 = ls_ce0_ref-vv112 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv113 = ls_ce0_ref-vv113 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv121 = ls_ce0_ref-vv121 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv122 = ls_ce0_ref-vv122 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv131 = ls_ce0_ref-vv131 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv132 = ls_ce0_ref-vv132 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv133 = ls_ce0_ref-vv133 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv134 = ls_ce0_ref-vv134 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv135 = ls_ce0_ref-vv135 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv151 = ls_ce0_ref-vv151 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv152 = ls_ce0_ref-vv152 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv153 = ls_ce0_ref-vv153 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv154 = ls_ce0_ref-vv154 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv155 = ls_ce0_ref-vv155 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv171 = ls_ce0_ref-vv171 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv172 = ls_ce0_ref-vv172 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv173 = ls_ce0_ref-vv173 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv174 = ls_ce0_ref-vv174 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv175 = ls_ce0_ref-vv175 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv176 = ls_ce0_ref-vv176 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv177 = ls_ce0_ref-vv177 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv178 = ls_ce0_ref-vv178 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv179 = ls_ce0_ref-vv179 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv181 = ls_ce0_ref-vv181 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv182 = ls_ce0_ref-vv182 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv183 = ls_ce0_ref-vv183 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
ls_ce0-vv191 = ls_ce0_ref-vv191 / ls_rates-bgt_rate.
modify xth_ce0 from ls_ce0.
elseif i_exitnr eq 100. ""Actual Step ID
loop at xth_ce0 into ls_ce0.
read table lth_ce0_reference into ls_ce0_ref with key perio = ls_ce0-perio.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
lv_yr = ls_ce0_ref-perio+0(4). ""Year
lv_pr = ls_ce0_ref-perio+4(3). ""Period
******* Custom Table for Maintain Rates for Actula Rate
select single * from zco_rates_new into ls_rates where bukrs = ls_ce0-bukrs and gjahr = lv_yr and period = lv_pr.
if ls_rates-avg_rate is not initial.
ls_ce0-vv010 = ls_ce0_ref-vv010 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv011 = ls_ce0_ref-vv011 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv012 = ls_ce0_ref-vv012 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv030 = ls_ce0_ref-vv030 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv050 = ls_ce0_ref-vv050 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv070 = ls_ce0_ref-vv070 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv100 = ls_ce0_ref-vv100 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv120 = ls_ce0_ref-vv120 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv130 = ls_ce0_ref-vv130 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv150 = ls_ce0_ref-vv150 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv170 = ls_ce0_ref-vv170 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv180 = ls_ce0_ref-vv180 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv051 = ls_ce0_ref-vv051 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv052 = ls_ce0_ref-vv052 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv031 = ls_ce0_ref-vv031 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv032 = ls_ce0_ref-vv032 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv033 = ls_ce0_ref-vv033 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv034 = ls_ce0_ref-vv034 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv035 = ls_ce0_ref-vv035 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv036 = ls_ce0_ref-vv036 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv037 = ls_ce0_ref-vv037 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv038 = ls_ce0_ref-vv038 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv039 = ls_ce0_ref-vv039 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv190 = ls_ce0_ref-vv190 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv071 = ls_ce0_ref-vv071 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv072 = ls_ce0_ref-vv072 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv073 = ls_ce0_ref-vv073 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv074 = ls_ce0_ref-vv074 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv075 = ls_ce0_ref-vv075 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv076 = ls_ce0_ref-vv076 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv077 = ls_ce0_ref-vv077 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv091 = ls_ce0_ref-vv091 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv092 = ls_ce0_ref-vv092 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv093 = ls_ce0_ref-vv093 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv101 = ls_ce0_ref-vv101 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv102 = ls_ce0_ref-vv102 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv103 = ls_ce0_ref-vv103 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv104 = ls_ce0_ref-vv104 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv105 = ls_ce0_ref-vv105 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv111 = ls_ce0_ref-vv111 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv112 = ls_ce0_ref-vv112 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv113 = ls_ce0_ref-vv113 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv121 = ls_ce0_ref-vv121 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv122 = ls_ce0_ref-vv122 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv131 = ls_ce0_ref-vv131 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv132 = ls_ce0_ref-vv132 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv133 = ls_ce0_ref-vv133 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv134 = ls_ce0_ref-vv134 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv135 = ls_ce0_ref-vv135 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv151 = ls_ce0_ref-vv151 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv152 = ls_ce0_ref-vv152 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv153 = ls_ce0_ref-vv153 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv154 = ls_ce0_ref-vv154 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv155 = ls_ce0_ref-vv155 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv171 = ls_ce0_ref-vv171 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv172 = ls_ce0_ref-vv172 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv173 = ls_ce0_ref-vv173 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv174 = ls_ce0_ref-vv174 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv175 = ls_ce0_ref-vv175 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv176 = ls_ce0_ref-vv176 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv177 = ls_ce0_ref-vv177 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv178 = ls_ce0_ref-vv178 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv179 = ls_ce0_ref-vv179 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv181 = ls_ce0_ref-vv181 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv182 = ls_ce0_ref-vv182 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv183 = ls_ce0_ref-vv183 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
ls_ce0-vv191 = ls_ce0_ref-vv191 / ls_rates-avg_rate.
modify xth_ce0 from ls_ce0.
KE30 to KE35 - for COPA Report layout Creation.
Kei2 -Value field and Costelement mapping in PA trasfer Structure.
oko6 - Allocation Structures.
FB08 - Posting Document Reversal.
User manual - Closing activities for CTML
Document contains 13 Transaction codes which are as follows.
1. KP46 – Head/Seat/User count updation into SAP
2. KSU5 – Indirect Cost allocation between CC to Alloc. CC
3. S_ALR_87013611 – To check for Under/Over absorption cost details before allocation.
4. CPTL – Project/WBS/Network – Actual template alloc.
5. KSS2 – Actual Cost Splitting
6. KSII – Execute Actual Price Calculation
7. ZCO_01 – Manual Actual price cost centers (custom programe to update KBK6 Tcode)
8. CJN2 – Reval. At Actual prices – Proj/WBS/NW
9. KEU5 – Execute Actual Assessment.
10. CJ8G – Actual Settlement – Proj/WBS/NW
11. KEPM – Planning Frame work
12. KE30 – Run Profitability
13. CJI3 – Check the balances between WBS & report.
report zco_actual_activity_rates.
types: begin of gty_error,
row type i,
ind type char2,
mes type string,
end of gty_error.
data:lt_cost type table of cost,
ls_cost type cost,
lt_cssl type table of cssl,
ls_cssl type cssl.
data: l_mstring(480).
data: bdcdata like bdcdata occurs 0 with header line.
data: messtab like bdcmsgcoll occurs 0 with header line.
data: gs_error type gty_error,
gt_error type standard table of gty_error.
data : gv_row type i.
* Selection Screen *
selection-screen : begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
parameters : p_period type perbl obligatory,
p_year type cost-gjahr obligatory,
p_cost TYPE cssl-kostl.
selection-screen : end of block b1.
**********To Get CO Object: Price Totals
case p_period.
when '001'.
select * from cost into table lt_cost where gjahr eq p_year and tarkz eq '005' and tkg001 eq '0'. "#EC CI_NOFIRST
if sy-subrc = 0.
sort lt_cost .
when '002'.
select * from cost into table lt_cost where gjahr eq p_year and tarkz eq '005' and tkg002 eq '0'. "#EC CI_NOFIRST
if sy-subrc = 0.
sort lt_cost .
when '003'.
select * from cost into table lt_cost where gjahr eq p_year and tarkz eq '005' and tkg003 eq '0'. "#EC CI_NOFIRST
if sy-subrc = 0.
sort lt_cost .
when '004'.
select * from cost into table lt_cost where gjahr eq p_year and tarkz eq '005' and tkg004 eq '0'. "#EC CI_NOFIRST
if sy-subrc = 0.
sort lt_cost .
when '005'.
select * from cost into table lt_cost where gjahr eq p_year and tarkz eq '005' and tkg005 eq '0'. "#EC CI_NOFIRST
if sy-subrc = 0.
sort lt_cost .
when '006'.
select * from cost into table lt_cost where gjahr eq p_year and tarkz eq '005' and tkg006 eq '0'. "#EC CI_NOFIRST
if sy-subrc = 0.
sort lt_cost .
when '007'.
select * from cost into table lt_cost where gjahr eq p_year and tarkz eq '005' and tkg007 eq '0'. "#EC CI_NOFIRST
if sy-subrc = 0.
sort lt_cost .
when '008'.
select * from cost into table lt_cost where gjahr eq p_year and tarkz eq '005' and tkg008 eq '0'. "#EC CI_NOFIRST
if sy-subrc = 0.
sort lt_cost .
when '009'.
select * from cost into table lt_cost where gjahr eq p_year and tarkz eq '005' and tkg009 eq '0'. "#EC CI_NOFIRST
if sy-subrc = 0.
sort lt_cost .
when '010'.
select * from cost into table lt_cost where gjahr eq p_year and tarkz eq '005' and tkg010 eq '0'. "#EC CI_NOFIRST
if sy-subrc = 0.
sort lt_cost .
when '011'.
select * from cost into table lt_cost where gjahr eq p_year and tarkz eq '005' and tkg011 eq '0'. "#EC CI_NOFIRST
if sy-subrc = 0.
sort lt_cost .
when '012'.
select * from cost into table lt_cost where gjahr eq p_year and tarkz eq '005' and tkg012 eq '0'. "#EC CI_NOFIRST
if sy-subrc = 0.
sort lt_cost .
if lt_cost is not initial.
************ to Get all Cost Center/Activity Type
select * from cssl into table lt_cssl for all entries in lt_cost where objnr = lt_cost-objnr and gjahr eq p_year.
if sy-subrc = 0.
sort lt_cssl.
if p_cost IS NOT INITIAL .
DELETE lt_cssl where kostl ne p_cost.
* endif.
* if lt_cssl is not initial .
loop at lt_cssl into ls_cssl.
* if lv_sno eq 1.
perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLSPO4' '0300'.
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_field using 'SVALD-VALUE(01)'
ls_cssl-kokrs." '1000'.
perform bdc_transaction using 'OKKS'.
* perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLSPO4' '0300'.
* perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
* 'SVALD-VALUE(01)'.
* perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
* '=FURT'.
* perform bdc_field using 'SVALD-VALUE(01)'
* ls_cssl-kokrs."'ctml'.
* endif.
perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLKPP0' '1000'.
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_field using 'KPP1B-ONLY'
perform bdc_field using 'KPP0B-VALUE(01)'
p_period."'1'. "Period
perform bdc_field using 'KPP0B-VALUE(02)'
p_period."'1'. "Period
perform bdc_field using 'KPP0B-VALUE(03)'
p_year."'2017'. "Year
perform bdc_field using 'KPP0B-VALUE(05)'
perform bdc_field using 'KPP0B-VALUE(07)'
''. "Cost Group
perform bdc_field using 'KPP0B-VALUE(08)'
ls_cssl-lstar."'1001'."Activity Type
perform bdc_field using 'KPP0B-VALUE(10)'
''. "Activity Group.
perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLKPP2' '0110'.
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_field using 'Z-BDC03(01)'
perform bdc_field using 'Z-BDC06(01)'
' 10000'.
perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLKPP2' '0110'.
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
perform bdc_transaction using 'KBK6'.
message text-003 type 'S'.
if gt_error is not initial.
perform display.
form bdc_transaction using tcode.
data : ls_ctu type ctu_params.
ls_ctu-dismode = 'N'.
ls_ctu-updmode = 'S'.
ls_ctu-defsize = 'X'.
clear : messtab[].
if tcode eq 'OKKS'.
call transaction tcode using bdcdata
options from ls_ctu
messages into messtab.
call transaction tcode using bdcdata
options from ls_ctu
messages into messtab.
commit work.
gv_row = gv_row + 1.
if messtab[] is not initial.
loop at messtab.
message id messtab-msgid
type messtab-msgtyp
number messtab-msgnr
into l_mstring
with messtab-msgv1
gs_error-row = gv_row.
gs_error-ind = messtab-msgtyp.
gs_error-mes = l_mstring.
append gs_error to gt_error.
gs_error-row = gv_row.
gs_error-ind = 'S'.
gs_error-mes = 'Successfuly Posted'.
append gs_error to gt_error.
clear : bdcdata, bdcdata[].
* text
* --> p1 text
* <-- p2 text
form display .
data : lo_alv type ref to cl_salv_table,
lo_functions type ref to cl_salv_functions,
lo_columns type ref to cl_salv_columns_table,
lo_column type ref to cl_salv_column_table.
call method cl_salv_table=>factory
r_salv_table = lo_alv
t_table = gt_error.
catch cx_salv_msg.
lo_functions = lo_alv->get_functions( ).
lo_functions->set_all( abap_true ).
call method lo_alv->get_columns
value = lo_columns.
*to change the name of the column in ALV.
lo_column ?= lo_columns->get_column( 'ROW' ).
catch cx_salv_not_found.
lo_column->set_long_text( 'Row ID' ).
lo_column->set_medium_text( 'Row ID' ).
lo_column->set_short_text( 'Row ID' ).
lo_column ?= lo_columns->get_column( 'IND' ).
catch cx_salv_not_found.
lo_column->set_long_text( 'Indicator' ).
lo_column->set_medium_text( 'Indicator' ).
lo_column->set_short_text( 'Indicator' ).
lo_column ?= lo_columns->get_column( 'MES' ).
catch cx_salv_not_found.
lo_column->set_long_text( 'Message' ).
lo_column->set_medium_text( 'Message' ).
lo_column->set_short_text( 'Message' ).
call method lo_alv->display.
* Start new screen *
form bdc_dynpro using program dynpro.
clear bdcdata.
bdcdata-program = program.
bdcdata-dynpro = dynpro.
bdcdata-dynbegin = 'X'.
append bdcdata.
* Insert field *
form bdc_field using fnam fval.
clear bdcdata.
bdcdata-fnam = fnam.
bdcdata-fval = fval.
append bdcdata.
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